What is an SQP?
What is a RAMA SQP and how can they help?
A RAMA (or SQP) is a Registered Animal Medicines Advisor / Suitably Qualified Person, whom are registered with AMTRA (Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority) and qualified to prescribe and advise on veterinary medicine, licenced as POM-VPS, NFA-VPS and AVM-GSL.
All RAMA/ SQPs must undertake compulsory CPD (continuing Professional Development), which must be accredited by AMTRA.
RAMA/ SQPs can advise and prescribe on animal medicine within their area of qualification, for example an R-RAMA or R-SQP is able to advise on all POM-VPS licenced products. The letter/s preceding the RAMA or SQP letters, represent the qualification category. I.e. R-RAMA OR R-SQP.
There are times where you may be advised to seek veterinary advice. Therefore, please do not be offended by this.
This may be for example (and not limited to):
- A clinical assessment is needed or is recommended based on the information you have shared with an RAMA SQP.
- The RAMA SQP is not satisfied that they have sufficient information in order to give the most appropriate advice.
- You are seeking advice on a POM-V product (Veterinary Only Medicine – only available from a Vet).
- Concerns/ Medical history or symptoms indicate that veterinary advice would be more appropriate.
We are proud to have three RAMA SQPS, Angela R-RAMA SQP, Jasmine R-RAMA E-SQP and Georgie L-RAMA L-SQP.
Activity Key
AMTRA | Activity
QR | SQPs qualified to supply all VPS medicines.
QE | SQPs qualified to supply VPS medicines for the treatment of equines and companion animals only.
QL | SQPs qualified to supply VPS medicines for the treatment of farm animals only.

Available Test Kits
You will receive your results within 48 hours of receipt by email or post whichever you prefer.
We always test our sample twice to give a professional accurate result.
Home Slider

- All kits contain 1st class return envelopes and information leaflet.
- All kits contain the correct number of compostable sample bags for the test being carried out. (see kit listings)
- Giardia Antigen Home Test kits contain, instructions, collection tube, droplet and diagnostic plate (like a pregnancy test) results are available within 5 minutes.
Our environmental responsibilities
As a company we pride ourselves on many things! As part of our pledge to be as echo-friendly, where possible we aim to re-use the outer boxes for shipping samples back to us in order to reduce waste.
Further more we have also chosen to use a certified printing company who balance their carbon impact of paper usage through the World Land Trust’s (WLT) conservation projects.
Through a network of partner organisations around the world the WLT funds the creation of reserves and provides permanent protection for habitats and wildlife. The WLT is an international conservation charity that protects the worlds most biologically significant and threatened habitats, acre by acre.
We are proud to be associated with the World Land Trust.